various seminar report on recycled aggregate concrete

  • Effect of recycled fine aggregates on alkali-activated slag

    Moreover, combination use of different types of recycled sources in concrete has also been conducted, Toghroli et al. applied recycled fiber and recycled coarse aggregate in pozzolanic added concrete, and provided commendable test results . Other studies also focused on the mechanical properties and the durability of recycled coarse aggregate

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  • Recycled Aggregate

    Recycled aggregate is produced by crushing concrete, and sometimes asphalt, to reclaim the aggregate. Recycled aggregate can be used for many purposes. The primary market is road base. For information on recycling asphalt pavement into new asphalt pavement. See Asphalt Pavement Recycling.

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  • (PDF) Use of Recycled and Waste Materials in Concrete: A

    Recycling of waste concrete is one of the sustainable solutions for the growing waste disposal crisis and depletion of natural aggregate sources. As a result, recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) is

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  • Recycled Aggregate Concrete

    Classification & properties of recycle aggregate concrete Material composition is the basis for classification of recycled concrete aggregate in two main types- 1) Crushed concrete 2) Mixed material Each of these types is divided in a class for bound and a class for unbound use Crushin g age Bulk specific gravity Bulk density Absorp tion

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  • Recycled Concrete Aggregate (RCA) for Infrastructure Elements

    FINAL Report C TRyy1317 Project Title: Recycled Concrete Aggregate (RCA) for Infrastructure Elements Report C: Bond Behavior of Mild Reinforcing Steel in RCA Concrete Prepared for Missouri Department of Transportation Construction and Materials Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, Missouri May 2014

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  • Recycled Aggregates

    The states that do use recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) in new concrete report that concrete with RCA performs equal to concrete with natural aggregates. Most agencies specify using the material directly in the project that is being reconstructed. Recycling of concrete is a relatively simple process.

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  • Recycle of E-Waste in Concrete

    Benefits of recycling are extended when responsible recycling methods are used. Concrete mixes with different percentages of E-waste were casted. It has been decided to make three different types of conventional specimens with partial replacement of E-waste on a percentage of 10%, 20%, and 30% to coarse aggregate with water cement ratio of 0.45.

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  • A report on Ready mix concrete Jayedul Islam

    3. Today, Readymix concrete comprises a mix of aggregates, cement, water and a variety of admixtures. Understanding these individual ingredients in a little more detail provides an insight into ways of obtaining the best results for different types of project. 4. Few things are more aggravating to produce on a worksite than concrete.

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  • Use of Recycled Aggregates in Construction

    3 RECYCLED AGGREGATES 10 3.1 Recycled Concrete Aggregate (RCA) 10 3.2 Recycled Concrete and Masonry (RCM) 11 3.3 Reclaimed Aggregate (RA) 12 3.4 Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) 12 3.5 Reclaimed Asphalt Aggregate (RAA) 13 3.6 Glass Cullet 13 3.7 Scrap Tyres 14 3.8 Used Foundry Sand or Spent Foundry Sand 14 4 REUSED BY-PRODUCT 15

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  • Use of Recycled Aggregate in Concrete Seminar Report pdf

    Use of Recycled Aggregate in Concrete Seminar Report pdf. Pawan Janorkar. 01 July 2017. Any construction activity requires several materials such as concrete, steel, brick, stone, glass, clay, mud, wood, and so on. However, the cement concrete remains the main construction material used in construction industries.

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  • Recycled construction and demolition concrete waste as

    Three types of aggregates were used in this study which include natural sand as fine aggregate (NFA), coarse aggregates with grading of 4.75–20 mm were dolomite as natural (NCA) and the crushed concrete rubble as (RCA) which were collected from fifteen different sources of demolished buildings and landfill locations then crushed using a Hartle PC-160 mobile impact crusher shown in Fig. 1

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  • Use of Recycled Aggregates in Construction

    3 RECYCLED AGGREGATES 10 3.1 Recycled Concrete Aggregate (RCA) 10 3.2 Recycled Concrete and Masonry (RCM) 11 3.3 Reclaimed Aggregate (RA) 12 3.4 Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) 12 3.5 Reclaimed Asphalt Aggregate (RAA) 13 3.6 Glass Cullet 13 3.7 Scrap Tyres 14 3.8 Used Foundry Sand or Spent Foundry Sand 14 4 REUSED BY-PRODUCT 15

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  • Recycled Aggregate Concrete

    Classification & properties of recycle aggregate concrete Material composition is the basis for classification of recycled concrete aggregate in two main types- 1) Crushed concrete 2) Mixed material Each of these types is divided in a class for bound and a class for unbound use Crushin g age Bulk specific gravity Bulk density Absorp tion

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  • Green Concrete Seminar | PDF | Construction Aggregate | Concrete

    In this concrete recycling use of waste material such as ceramic wastes, aggregates, so increased concrete industrys use of waste products by 20% . Hence green concrete consumes less energy and becomes economical.

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  • Report of Recycled Concrete Aggregates

    Report of Recycled Concrete Aggregates. 1. Strength and Durability Characteristics of Recycled Concrete Aggregates Dept. of Civil Engineering, Viswajyothi College of Engineering and Technology, Vazhakulam 1 1. INTRODUCTION Concrete is the premier construction material across the world and most widely used in all types of civil engineering works.

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  • Experimental Study on Recycled Concrete Aggregates

    natural aggregates with recycled concrete aggregate ranges from 11% to 33%. RCA can replace NA in the production of both non-structural and structural concrete. •Garg and Jain (2014), studied on green concrete: efficient & eco-friendly construction materials. It presents

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  • Recycled Aggregate Concrete: Applications, Advantages

    Disadvantages of Recycled Aggregate. Downgrading of quality of concrete. Increase in water absorption capacity ranging from 3% to 9%. Decrease in compressive strength of concrete (10-30%) Reduces workability of concrete. Lack of specifications and guidelines. Less durability of RAC, however few papers have shown an improvement in the durability

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  • Report of Recycled Concrete Aggregates

    Report of Recycled Concrete Aggregates. 1. Strength and Durability Characteristics of Recycled Concrete Aggregates Dept. of Civil Engineering, Viswajyothi College of Engineering and Technology, Vazhakulam 1 1. INTRODUCTION Concrete is the premier construction material across the world and most widely used in all types of civil engineering works.

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  • 510+ Seminar Topics for Civil Engineering with ppt (2021)

    Seminar Topics for Civil Engineering with ppt and report (2021): We civil engineers have lots of stuff to do throughout the degree.There are so many seminars, project reports, vivas, and exams in our complete engineering degree.

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  • Evaluation of Recycled Concrete for Use as Aggregate in

    This study evaluated the use of recycled concrete as coarse aggregate in new concrete pavements. Recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) produced from demolished pavements in three geographically-dispersed locations in Washington state were used to perform testson aggregate characte ristics, fresh concrete propertiesand hardened concrete properties.

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  • An Experimental Study on Concrete by using E- Waste as

    that reuse of very finely grounded plastic e-waste in concrete has economical and technical advantage for solving the disposal of large amount of e-waste [9]. The use of recycled aggregates saves natural resources and dumping spaces, and helps to maintain a clean environment [10].

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  • Utilization of Recycled Aggregate Concrete for Marine Site

    Keywords: recycled coarse aggregates, fly ash, chloride penetration, marine site, steel corrosion, compressive strength. Date: 9/30/2021. Abstract: This research aimed to create value of construction and demolition waste to be able used as a recycled coarse aggregate (RCA) in durable concrete, based on 7-year field investigation in marine site.

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  • Use of Recycled Aggregates in Construction

    3 RECYCLED AGGREGATES 10 3.1 Recycled Concrete Aggregate (RCA) 10 3.2 Recycled Concrete and Masonry (RCM) 11 3.3 Reclaimed Aggregate (RA) 12 3.4 Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) 12 3.5 Reclaimed Asphalt Aggregate (RAA) 13 3.6 Glass Cullet 13 3.7 Scrap Tyres 14 3.8 Used Foundry Sand or Spent Foundry Sand 14 4 REUSED BY-PRODUCT 15

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  • Substitution of Natural Aggregates by Crushed Concrete Waste

    This paper is aimed to the use of different types of industrial wastes in concrete production. From examined waste (crushed concrete waste) our tested concrete samples with dimension 150 mm were prepared. In these samples, fractions 4/8 mm and 8/16 mm by recycled concrete aggregate with a range of variation from 0 to 100% were replaced. Experiment samples were tested for compressive strength

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  • Use of Recycled Aggregates in Construction

    3 RECYCLED AGGREGATES 10 3.1 Recycled Concrete Aggregate (RCA) 10 3.2 Recycled Concrete and Masonry (RCM) 11 3.3 Reclaimed Aggregate (RA) 12 3.4 Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) 12 3.5 Reclaimed Asphalt Aggregate (RAA) 13 3.6 Glass Cullet 13 3.7 Scrap Tyres 14 3.8 Used Foundry Sand or Spent Foundry Sand 14 4 REUSED BY-PRODUCT 15

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    shows different fractions of recycled aggregate, pro-duced by a classical procedure. Figure 3. Shape and surface texture of different fractions of recycled aggregate 2.2. Shape and surface texture of aggregate particles In terms of morphological characteristics, recycled aggregate is less favorable than natural aggregate.

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  • “Study of E-Waste Concrete”

    The compressive strength of concrete with different percentage of plastic was carried out at the edge of 3 days, 7 days and 28 days. Keywords – Concrete, E-Wastes, Sand, Acrylonitrile butadiene styreneCompressive strength. 1. INTRODUCTION – Concrete is the first choice for the construction many countries today.

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  • Recycled construction and demolition concrete waste as

    Three types of aggregates were used in this study which include natural sand as fine aggregate (NFA), coarse aggregates with grading of 4.75–20 mm were dolomite as natural (NCA) and the crushed concrete rubble as (RCA) which were collected from fifteen different sources of demolished buildings and landfill locations then crushed using a Hartle PC-160 mobile impact crusher shown in Fig. 1

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  • Recycled construction and demolition concrete waste as

    Three types of aggregates were used in this study which include natural sand as fine aggregate (NFA), coarse aggregates with grading of 4.75–20 mm were dolomite as natural (NCA) and the crushed concrete rubble as (RCA) which were collected from fifteen different sources of demolished buildings and landfill locations then crushed using a Hartle PC-160 mobile impact crusher shown in Fig. 1

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  • Use of Recycled Aggregates in Construction

    3 RECYCLED AGGREGATES 10 3.1 Recycled Concrete Aggregate (RCA) 10 3.2 Recycled Concrete and Masonry (RCM) 11 3.3 Reclaimed Aggregate (RA) 12 3.4 Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) 12 3.5 Reclaimed Asphalt Aggregate (RAA) 13 3.6 Glass Cullet 13 3.7 Scrap Tyres 14 3.8 Used Foundry Sand or Spent Foundry Sand 14 4 REUSED BY-PRODUCT 15

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